Strings and Hands of the Guitar and Physiotherapy
The Cultural Association of strings and hands of the guitar and physiotherapy is formed by a group of people who love music. The main purpose of the association is to divulge everything concerning musical instruments especially the guitar, delving into both interpretative technique and therapies that help in the prevention of problems relating to the health for musicians. The Association promotes the following activities:
– Promote, advertise and organise concerts.
– Promote, advertise and organise conferences.
– Offer courses both in the field of music for educational purposes and in the field of health for the prevention of injuries and pathologies.
– Dedicated concerts for solo artists, filming groups, bands and orchestras.
– Conferences about musicians health to based on postural themes including specific ergonomics to each instrument and anatomy used by the performer.
– Periodical and specific publications of each event.
– To understand and complement the knowledge of different composers and interpreters through cultural trips to their own towns.